seattle glider council

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(See SSA's Interactive Map for more information on Clubs and commercial operations).

Cascade Soaring Society

Cascade Soaring Society is a glider club operating out of Pangborn Airport in Wenatchee, WA from March through November. CSS is located at one of the most spectacular soaring sites in the Western United States

Evergreen Soaring

"Western Washington's Premier Cross-Country Soaring Club!"

High Desert Soaring Club

Located in Bend, Oregon at the Bend Municipal Airport.

King Mountain Glider Park, Idaho. "All birds are welcome". East of Sun Valley.

Puget Sound Soaring Association

PSSA operates from Bergseth Field at the foothills of the Cascade Mountains near Enumclaw, Washington.

Sawtooth Soaring Pilots Association

SSPA flies out of Twisp Washington during the mid-summer months and enjoys mountain cross country flying around the Methow Valley region. Contact Brad Hill for more information.

Spokane Soaring Society

SSS flies out of Deer Park Airport in Eastern Washington, just north of Spokane.

Willamette Valley Soaring Club

The WVSC is an Oregon non-profit organization promoting the sport of soaring. The club operates out of North Plains, OR (5 miles NW of Hillsboro (HIO)) and at Hood River, OR (in the Columbia Gorge). The North Plains field is open generally from early Spring to late fall; Hood River is flyable year-round. The club owns 2 tow planes and several gliders (3 L-23 Blaniks, 2 Grob 103 Twin Astirs, Junior, Libelle HpH304). Approximately 40 members own private ships.

Vancouver Soaring Association

The Vancouver (Canada) Soaring Association

Commercial Operations


"Seattle/Puget Sound/Snohomish Silent Glider Rides"

Hood River Soaring Near the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area

BIG SKY SOARING, Boseman, MT - contact Greg Mecklenburg 406-580-5412


YouTube Rope Splicing (1)

YouTube Rope Splicing (2)

General Soaring and Aviation

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 
Alaska Mountain Soaring News Group
Aviation Knowledge Base
Experimental Aircraft Association
Gliding and Motorgliding International
IAC Chapter 67 Facebook Page
FlightAware - Flight Tracker
GlidePort Tracking
Landings Aviation CyberHub live Live Air Traffic Audio
luizmonteiro Aviation Calculations and Simulations
National Soaring Museum
Open Glider Network
Perlan Project
rec.aviation.soaring - RAS (via google)
RAS_Prime Google Group
SGC_News Google Group
Soaring Safety Foundation
Soaring Server
Soaring Society of America 
Soaring Cafe (On-Line Magazine) 
SoaringLab Flight Viewer 
SkyLines Flight Sharing
SkySight Soaring Weather Forecast
SKyVector Flight Planning
The Museum of Flight, Seattle
VFRMAP - Digital Aeronautical Charts
WSPA - Womens Soaring Pilot Assoc.

Pacific Northwest Soaring

Air Sailing - Reno, NV
PASCO Homepage - Pacific Area Soaring Council
E. Greenwell's Google Soaring Map - Eastern WA, OR, Northern ID 
King Mountain Glider Park, Idaho 
YouTube - search for SGC Soaring Foundation and KAWO_Soaring

Canadian Soaring

Alberta Soaring Council
Cowley - Canada's "Diamond" Mine
Soaring Association of Canada


NOAA Aviation Weather Center

Washington 1km resolution visible satellite imagery

National Weather Service Forecast Office, Seattle

National Weather Service Forecast Office, Spokane

University of Washington Pacific Northwest Environmental Forecasts and Observations

NOAA Soundings at Ephrata, WA

NOAA/NWS/Seattle ARTCC Center Weather Service Unit

SSA Web Site Soaring Weather Page
USAirnet Weather
NOAA High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR)
SkySight Soaring Weather Forecast
WXTOFLY-Lots of Great Weather Info for the Greater PNW

Commercial Soaring

Blanik America - LAK/Blanik Dealer
Costello Insurance - Aircraft Insurance
Condor Competition Soaring Simulator
Desser Tire and Rubber - Glider Tires
Diamond Aircraft - Manufacturers of Katana Extreme Motorglider
DG - Elan - Sailplane Manufacturer
Eastern Sailplane - Schleicher Sailplanes and soaring equipment
Glider Ground School
Knauff & Grove - Schempp-Hirth Sailplanes
Strong Parachutes
Wing and Wheels - Soaring Equipment & Supplies Winpilot - Flight Computer Software


Federal Aviation Regulations 
FAA Regulatory and Guidance Library (AC's, AD's, etc.)
FAA Airmen Online Services
N-Number Search - FAA Aircraft Registration
Graphical TFR Map
WSDOT Aviation Division
Port of Ephrata
City of Arlington Airport Web Site 
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Mid-Air Collision Avoidance (C-17) Web Site 

Buy - Sell

Aviation Shopping Network
rec.aviation.marketplace (via google)

(C) 2017-2025 Seattle Glider Council / SGC Soaring Foundation

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