Please visit Use Fees to pay Towplane, Facility, Glider, and RV parking fees in a self-serve manner.
Membership fees subject to change via Board of Directors approval.
Rate | Type | Description |
$90 | Full Membership | Includes 1 week of Ephrata facility use |
$50 | Youth Membership | 25 years old & under, includes 1 week of Ephrata facility use |
$35 | Family Membership | For Spouses/Partners. Includes 1 week of Ephrata facility use and voting privileges |
$1500 | Lifetime Membership | Single payment, includes 1 week of facility use per year |
Rate | Type | Description |
$45 | per Tow | Covers the first 1500' AGL of each tow |
$1.50 | per 100' | applies above the first 1500' |
$125 | Annual Fee | Your share of towplane fixed-costs |
$190 | per Tach Hour | Aero-retrieve or glider-ferry fee |
Training Facility (applicable to all members that fly at Ephrata)
Rate | Type | Description |
$100 | Seasonal | April - October |
$30 | Weekly | Applies after your first week of use (which is included in your membership) |
Tiedown for each Glider (and parking of its associated Trailer, facility use NOT included)
Rate | Type | Description |
$250 | Seasonal | April - October, reserved spot of your choice |
$45 | Weekly | first-come, first served |
RV Parking (facility use included)
Rate | Type | Description |
$750 | Seasonal | April - October, reserved spot of your choice. Tax included. |
$150 | Weekly | 8 nights or less of stay. Tax included. |
$90 | Short-Term | 3 nights or less of stay. Tax included. |
Other Items
Rate | Item | Description |
$45 | Oxygen Fill | Flat rate per fill |
$10 | EV Charging | For use of SGC electrical hookups |