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  • Home
  • March 3, 2025, SGC General Membership Meeting (TEAMS)

March 3, 2025, SGC General Membership Meeting (TEAMS)

  • 3 Mar 2025
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • On-Line (M/S Teams)

SGC General Membership Meeting for March, 2025.

Use this link to join:

Click this link to join the meeting

Reminder: we have switched from Zoom to MS Teams for our meetings. If you have never used MS Teams, here is a detailed list of steps on how to join using any web-browser on a Mac or PC:

  1. Click the link above, and a new webpage will open up.
  2. If MS Teams is installed on your computer, you may see a pop-up saying "This site is trying to open Microsoft Teams". If you do not use MS Teams regularly, click the "Cancel" button!
  3. The website should say "How do you want to join your Teams Meeting?" - choose the option that says "Continue on this Browser"
  4. Your web-browser may prompt you to allow use of the Camera and Microphone. Click "Allow"
  5. A preview of your meeting/camera will show up on your screen. Find the area in the middle of the window to type in your name. You may use the buttons to toggle the camera and microphone off.
  6. Click the "Join Now" button to the right of your name, and you're good to go!

You may also join the Teams meeting using a Smartphone or Tablet; but you will need to go to the app store and install the Microsoft Teams app first, then click on the meeting link listed above.

Additional information:

Meeting ID: 217 761 541 036
Passcode: nkDid2

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 312-593-1554,,374694593# United States, Chicago

Phone Conference ID: 374 694 593#

Find a local number | Reset PIN

Learn More | Meeting options

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